Connect with the right people, craft personalized emails for each application with AI and automate follow-ups. All in one click.

Direct Path to Recruiters' Inboxes
5X More Effective in Hearing Back
Automate Job Application Tracking & Follow-up
Track and follow up applications applied through LinkedIn, HandShake and Indeed with one click.
Email Finder
We find recruiters' email addresses on any LinkedIn profile with industry-leading accuracy.
AI Email Writer
Get 4x your response rate by generating personalized emails with resume and job description in one click.
How it works?
Generate and Send Emails in One Click
Search recruiters/hiring managers on Linkedin and we find the email addresses & send out customized emails generated by AI to maximum 10 people at a time.
Keep Track of Your Applications and Follow Up with All in Seconds
Simply click the Intouch icon or open the extension to save you applications. We also support batch follow up with all sent emails attached with applications.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars by our customers!
I can barely get any interviews in the 2022 hiring season even with referrals because everyone get them nowadays. Thanks to this tool, I received several interview invitations in the economic downturn and ultimately landed my dream job.
New Grad from MSCS @UCSD
Networking >>> Everything. This is definitely the most important advice I would give to anyone looking for a job right now. Intouch helped me stand out among the competition and secure multiple interviews after being laid off.
Senior Software Engineer @Meta
I've often found my LinkedIn messages getting lost in the crowd, resulting in a lack of responses. The extension's ability to automate outreach emails has saved me countless hours, allowing me to focus on preparing interview.
Associate Analyst @Goldman Sachs
Flexible pricing options
We offer 40 free email search credits to get you started.
Have a question?
Why should I reach out to recruiters/hiring managers?
Candidates who consistently reach out for job opportunities are 5x times more likely to get invited to interviews. InTouch helps you to reach out to recruiters and hiring managers in one click.
Why should I send email instead of InMail message in Linkedin?
Emails are much cheaper which is $4.99 for 50 credits, and you can send unlimited follow-ups. As for InMail, it's $79.99 for 50 credits and you can not follow up unless they respond. More importantly, emails are more likely to be read by recruiters compared with InMail messages
Tips on how to write the email template?
Email subject matters most and it should be clear and catchy to recruiters. In email, sell yourself and play to your own strength. What are your strengths and experiences you want to highlight. Also, include information that helps recruiters to locate your applications, such as a job posting link.
Recruiter's email is not found/ Email bounced back with errors sometimes. What's wrong?
We cannot achieve 100% accuracy in finding recruiters' email addresses. The accuracy varies for different companies. We suggest reaching out to more recruiters, which can be done quickly with InTouch.
What to do if I didn't submit application but want to reach out for opportunity
Sure, an application is not required (but highly recommended), but make sure you don't have application related template inputs in your template such as ${jobPosition}, ${company}.
The recruiter did not respond to my inquiry. Should I reach out again?
Definitely. According to a study, the average response rate for first email is 16%. Sending at least one follow-up will get a response rate of 27% on average. That’s a big jump! The purpose of a follow-up is simply to bring your email back to the top of their inbox in case they overlooked it, which can happen. In addition, this is a number game. The more you reach out, the more likely you will get a response and land interviews. We also support follow-up in the Application. Click the "Instant Follow Up" and select the applications you'd like to follow up.
The InTouch extension window appears zoomed in, affecting proper display.
This is due to Chrome page zoom settings. Go to Settings -> Appearance -> Page zoom. Then set Page zoom = 100%.
Why my credits suddenly disappeared? / What happened to my unused credits?
Rollover credits are a benefit exclusively available to our paid plan subscribers. Consequently, any unused credits are reset at the end of each billing cycle for those on the free plan.